Credit Training for Lenders and Analysts
Credit Training Consultation
You have just been given the new responsibility of coordinating credit training for part or all of your financial institution. Or maybe you’ve been asked to put together a credit training program for new hires. Unfortunately, the bank has done very little credit training in the past, and what has been done has been ad hoc and very sporadic. So you have nothing to really build on or to reference. However, you do have a lot of questions. What credit topics do your employees need to be trained in? How in depth should the training be? What are the delivery options? Is classroom training appropriate or should it be self-study? Would a blended approach of the two work? What are the pros and cons of e-learning? How much does it cost and how soon can it be up and running?
You manage a group or department of Relationship Managers or Credit Analysts and feel that their credit skills are not as strong as they should be. You may have a sizeable number of employees or perhaps just one or two. Unfortunately, the training department has no internal programs to offer you and very little in the way of advice as to how you can address your concerns. Or maybe there is a formal program, but it is only held once a year and isn’t open to everyone. What outside help is available and how would you go about administering the training?
You manage the credit training function for your bank or line of business and have been using a certain credit training vendor for a while now. Or perhaps you have been using a “stable” of providers to assist you in your credit training needs. In either case, you and/or your management has become dissatisfied with the status quo because of poor results, poor customer service, employees constantly complaining about the training or the cost is too high. Perhaps it’s some combination of all of these! But what is involved in changing your approach? Will it be a big hassle changing your training program? Where do you start?
Whether one of these scenarios fits your situation or you face unique challenges, we can help. We have a long track record of helping financial institutions, both big and small, address their credit training needs in just about every scenario you can imagine. We would be happy to spend as much time discussing your situation with you as you would like and there is no obligation. Feel free to ask us all of your questions. Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started, but rest assured, it does not have to be a cumbersome process. You’d be surprised how easy it can be to get the ball rolling and start seeing results!
So contact us either with a phone call or an email and tell us you’d like to talk about your situation. We will get back to you to set up a time for a phone conversation with you and anyone else on your team. We’d love to talk with you!