Solutions for Community Banks

Solutions for Community Banks

Credit Training for Community Banks

Community banks have always played an important role in the commercial lending market and today more than ever, it is imperative that community bankers have the skills and confidence necessary to compete effectively in this market.  At Edge, we have long supported the commercial lending efforts of community banks through our Credit Training Curriculum.

Without question the most popular course that we have used when working with community banks is our Commercial Lending Fundamentals course.  Specifically designed for lenders who work in the small business lending market, Commercial Lending Fundamentals is designed to provide participants with the ability to gain credibility in the eyes of their clients and prospects by understanding their borrowing needs and being conversant with respect to their operations and financial statements.  We consistently receive extremely positive feedback from community bankers who have taken this course.

For credit underwriters and lenders who require a more in-depth set of credit skills, we offer our Financial Accounting for Bankers, Commercial Credit Analysis and Principles of Loan Structure courses. These three courses provide learners with the core skills necessary to make sound decisions when lending to companies of any size.  Although any of the three courses in this series can be used effectively individually, they are also designed to work together to provide a comprehensive skill set for new hires or experienced employees.

Please take a minute to review these courses for more detailed descriptions and delivery options, and don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or comments you might have.